Sunday, January 16, 2011

Buying a gun is easier than buying cold medicine

Where are all the constitutionalists when I'm standing at the pharmacy counter hacking and wheezing my plaintive requests for them to check again when the computer thinks I have exceeded my 30 day limit of the good cold medicine, not that crap they keep out on the shelves for the dupes.

Surely the founding fathers intended for me to get relief from my phlegm laced misery just as much as they wanted me to be able to go to a gun show and buy a glock nine. I mean I may not amount to what you call a huddled mass but I am damn sure as hell yearning to breathe free.

But not one single solitary patriot stood with me as I attempted to proclaim my God given rights against the pharmacy brown shirts. When I think maybe I'll get a little riot going these cowards did not so much as raise a brief interruption in the orderly decorum of the pharmacy waiting area.

Even though I unleashed a tirade on the pharmacists that included in rapid succession fascists pig and a word that implies that he engages in carnal relations with his maternal parent, nary a peep out of one of them. Dammit, in the name of the constitution of the United States of America, I demand you hand over the Mucinex D sir.

And don't think for a minute that security didn't get a good dose of my spleen as I was escorted briskly from the premises. Who knew Wally World had armed security personnel. I'll bet they even get all the cold medicine they want too.

Now I don't know what the proper mix is for allowing a free and open society to acquire guns, but I do kind of like the idea of being able to purchase a gun if I so choose. But I also like the idea of owning and driving my own personal vehicle. So it seems to me that owning a firearm ought to require every bit as much determination, personal resilience and dogged persistence as it takes to purchase, register and transfer title to a used vehicle (can you say lets spend the day down at the DMV?).

It also seems to me that, at a minimum, as a society we ought to be able to agree that crazy people can't have guns or high capacity fast loading ammunition clips. Now we can sort out just exactly who is and isn't crazy at the next meeting, but if we can't agree that crazy people are out of the running, then America is nothing more than a mass delusion and a grand hoax perpetrated on guileless and gullible electorate with overactive imaginations and a flare towards the dramatic. And in the instance that we can't agree on that simple little premise, I would argue that we don't really have much of a country anyway, at least not one worth saving. So we might as well beat the rush and get busy killing each other in the name of whichever god we choose to defile.

On the other hand, if, perhaps, we can agree on the one simple premise that crazy people can't have guns and ammo, then maybe, just maybe, we can build on that and find a path to a collective future of cooperation and coexistence.

Or not!

Wasted lives and stolen moments indeed!

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