Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pay the doctors boy

OK, I am convinced that on some level this is seriously racist.

But until Reverend Al calls a press conference this is funny as hell.


  1. incredibly funny sass-mouthed's been playing for months and it's still funny. signed,big joe vandy

  2. After all the efforts made to correct the race gap over the years, you would think that black people would be up in arms about this commercial. Besides this advertisement promotes giving you all this money for your family. Don't you think that this results in high premiums.............BOY! I also take exception to Progressive's ignorant blue dancing dollar signs, featuring a pasty white guy dancing about like some sort of dumb ass. The black couple says "we'll take it". Referring to the stupid whitey I guess. If I were black, I'd be totally disgusted that anyone would make a commercial like this. The black actors in this advertisement should be ashamed. Insurance commercials now comprise 1 in 4 commercials, on all television channels and they are all ridiculous. Let's not bail them out anymore. The insurance company's and the complacent black .........BOYS! ! ! ! *Insurance companies are just crooks. Let's not promote them. I would like to see legislation that effectively stops all of this advertisement that we will eventually pay for.

  3. Dude

    Lighten up, you gonna catch a stroke if you don't unclench your butt checks.

    Yes the world can be an ugly place sometimes. But that's kind of the point of this blog, to try and modulate reality just a smidge. Some shit is just funny regardless of the underlying issues.

    If you want to be mad about something be mad that no brothers got paid to perform in the commercial.

    Have a coke and a smile!

  4. What??? Am I missing something? I've seen this commercial 50 times and don't see anything racist! Please enlighten me!

  5. @Sisserydoo

    As is typical in the postmodern era, the "potential" racism tends to be highly coded and extremely subtle. The pigeon proclaiming that it "pays the doctors boy" is essentially a mocking of the stereotypical "homeboy" which is totally an African American meme as typified by the celebrity Flavo Flav. This particular affectation in speech and mannerism is sometimes equated in some people's thinking with negative characterizations on the order of latter a day Stepin Fetchit.

    But as indicated in my earlier comments, I think the real racism manifests itself in the fact that in all of this appropriation of the Hip Hop culture, no one saw fit to hire any black people to appear in the commercial.
