Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stop the world and let me off

Nothing less than the fate of western civilization hangs in the balance. So unless you like eating grubs and pooping in the woods you will join my quest to stop mybook and spaceface or whatever the hell they want to call it.

We used to be vigilant against all perils. Now, all the forces of evil will have to do is simply drive into town and set up camp because you dildo's will all be checking your bookface pages to see if they want to be your friend so you can increase your self esteem a notch or two.

Damnit this is what happens when everybody plays every game and everybody wins a trophy. When I was growing up there was a place for everyone on the team alright, it was called the bench. And if you sucked that is exactly where you stayed all season long.

But I digress, the reason for my little rant is my email provider just converted everybody to this stupid setup with all these networking craplets and whatnots. I don't want to know if you are online, I don't want you to know if I am online. I don't want to connect to your Mybook page, I don't want to be your buddy I don't give a damn what your vacation pictures look like if I am not in them. I just want my elfin email.

Somebody stop the world and let me off because no good can come of this.

Get over yourselves people, nobody gives a damn.

That is all.

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